Anxiety is a serious and very common illness that can affect us in many different ways, both physically and mentally, in the way of thinking and feeling. From time to time it can take you away from your family and friends. In addition to causing anxiety, people with it have a great loss of sleep, appetite and a lack of interest in performing different activities.
Anxiety is not an option
Anxiety is one of the most frustrating feelings a person can experience. Girl emotions can change constantly that you really do not know if she is feeling sad, empty or when she is not feel anything at all.
It’s not just about having a bad day or feeling sad for a moment, and of course not something that you can overcome with ease. You just need to be patient with her and help her as much as you can.

Try to avoid saying things to her like “You will get better soon ” or “You just have to go out and get distracted with something funny”
It is easy to say these words when you do not know anything about this illness. In most cases, she feels empty, insulted and without any clue what is she doing in this life.
By saying these sentences you will only create more tension inside of her. Her fear can become much stronger. Just one silent hug can do much more than anything else.
It is important to discuss and create limits
During those times of frustration it is important to step back and see how you can help your beloved one with an anxiety.

At the same time you have to understand her own sense of happiness. Be patient and try to talk to her about some of your concerns and explain the limits you need to have within your relationship. Find out what works best for both of you.
Do not let her to overcome her problems alone
Many of us often assume that people who have anxiety want to be alone. The truth is that there might be times when they want to be alone, but it does not mean that they want to deal with their problems without feeling some kind of support from her beloved, friends and relatives. Try to remind her, as much as you can, that she will never be alone.
It is okay to ask her how she feels
How do you really know how she feels and how she struggles with their pain?

It is okay to talk about a safety plan for times when your anxiety overwhelms her completely. You two need to stand up for each other. You have that bright spot in her life giving her courage and pushing her to fight for her own good.
Spend enough time together
You can spend time exercising, going out to dinner or just enjoying an afternoon watching movies. One of the most difficult parts of anxiety is that people feel too lazy to do any kind of activity, so you should really consider to help her to get out of her comfort zone and to start living her life with no limits and boundaries.
Be patient, be gentle when you hug her or ask her something because she is fragile even when she is being strong.